April 7, 2020| ANTI-NUTRIENTS : PHYTATES | Certain methods of preparing foods can increase their alkalinity. Soaking and sprouting nuts, seeds, and grains removes enzyme inhibitors such as phytates, and greatly increases the bioavailability of nutrients, as well as making them more alkaline-forming. Soaking, sprouting, fermenting, juicing, and blending, break down and reduce the phytate mineral complex, unlocking nutrition and alkalinity in high-phytate foods. Soaking and sprouting will increase the vitamin C and B vitamin content, while simultaneously neutralizing many of the enzyme inhibitors that can make phytate-containing foods irritating to the gut lining, and very hard to digest. Nuts and seeds should be soaked in purified water for several hours first, and then sprouted and/or dehydrated at low heat in order to make them more easily digested, gaining the maximum nutritional value. When a legume is germinated (sprouted), enzymes are released to break down anti-nutrients so that the stored starches and protein become available for the plant to grow - this process also prepares the nutrients in the legume to be more nutritious and more easily absorbed. chaga kale ash | culture cashew cheese | dianthus | fennel flower | #plantbased #adaptogens
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