May 28, 2020| Summer Savory | traditionally this herb is known for imparting notes of spice and pepper, similar to thyme but somehow more refined. I was pleasantly surprised at its soft lavender and anise notes. We chose to do a sweet dish instead of playing to its traditional savory uses. We’ve been cooking keto at home lately so these are a guilt free waffle of sorts. Sour cream, almond flour and @farm.one summer savory waffles with keto vanilla-maple syrup! . . . . . . . . #eastvillagefireescape #inthetimeofquarantine #herbs #microgreens🌱 #cookingathome #gardening #flavorcombinations #flavorbible #cocktails #urbangarden #cocktailpartyfortwo #gardenmixology #edibleflowers🌸 #craftcocktails #nycgardens #fireescapegardening #hydroponics #keto #waffles #sourcream #summersavory #homecook #vanillamaplesyrup #allthebutter #almondflour
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