May 24, 2019FOOD COMBINING | It can improve digestion, reduce toxin formation in the gut, increase nutrient absorption, and reduce gas and bloating. Because of improved digestion, food combining allows for the quick absorption of nutrients and rapid elimination of wastes, while the digestive system expends less energy digesting different combinations of foods. If a food that breaks down quickly is eaten after a food that breaks down more slowly, the digestive process becomes impaired causing indigestion, bloating, and poor assimilation of nutrients. Under the food combining theory, different food groups prompt different enzymes to be secreted in the stomach and intestines. These enzymes require either an acid or alkaline environment to properly break down food. When certain foods are eaten together, both an acid and a base are secreted which will neutralize each other, and the digestive process becomes inhibited. The result can be fermentation and/or putrefaction, and often gas, bloating, and other signs of indigestion. When fermentation occurs in the gut, excess sugar alcohols are created and pathogens such as bacteria and yeast will begin to multiply as they feed off of these excess sugars that are not being processed adequately. nepitella | bronze fennel | chive flower | summer savory | smoked pearl cashew sauce | #plantbased #adaptogens
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