June 21, 2020Duck • blackberry red wine reduction • cauliflower potato purée • nasturtium ———————————————————————— Today is Father’s Day and I am posting my dad’s LEAST favorite protein. Ever since I was a little girl, Dad always took us to fancy restaurants. Proper utensil and table etiquette were taught and enforced. We celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and Christmas over coursed meals and tasting menus. When I was old enough, Dad explained how to enjoy wine pairings with food. He encouraged me to taste new things. Dad is usually game for game, but after one awful experience at a pretentious Michelin restaurant in Paris in the 90’s, Dad became very anti-duck. For New Year’s Eve dinner last year though, I made my family a duck dish as the main course. Dad declared it the best duck he has eaten and the only duck he will eat moving forward. Happy Father’s Day! #homechef #theartofplating #platingfood #culinary4all #eeeeeatsnyc #f52grams #firstwefeast #homecook #homecooked #homecooking #nyceats #eatprettythings #nomnom #newforkcity #feedfeed #inthekitchen #makeitdelicious #eatcaptureshare #foodblogger #gastromeals #whatsfordinner #cookingathome #epicplateup #epicurious #onmyplate #damnthatsdelish #foodgawker #onthetable #letscook #hautescuisines
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