We're here to help. Browse the areas below to find support on each area of our service. Reach out to our Concierge at concierge@farm.one for more assistance.
Our Greens Packs are harvested for you, for either pickup or delivery.
We charge you on Fridays, regardless of your delivery or pickup day. You should see the charge on your card on Friday or shortly after.
We use a system called ReCharge to manage your subscription, so you may see mention of it in your communications.
You can pause your subscription for multiple weeks, skip a week, or change delivery frequency. To make these changes, email concierge@farm.one.
We would hate to see you go. But you can cancel at any time by emailing your Member Concierge.
Use our Zip Code lookup tool on our storefront to easily check if we offer delivery.
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To change your delivery details, email your Member Concierge.
We will send you a text on the day of delivery, and another when your delivery person is nearby.
If we are unable to make a delivery before the expected cutoff time, we may message you to offer a later delivery.
We offer pickups at the farm on Tuesdays-Fridays each week, between 1PM-7PM.
Our farm is located at 625 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238.
To change your pickup day or switch to delivery, email your Concierge.
There is no fee for pickup.
Return your containers at any time Monday-Friday, 9AM-7PM, or at your next pickup.
For Membership benefits, visit our Membership page.
When you activate your Membership, you will receive a discount code to unlock your buy one get one free tour benefits.
Email us at concierge@farm.one with any questions about your benefits.
If you received Membership as a gift, you need to activate your Membership with your unique code you received via email or printed card. Head over to https://farm.one/activate to start.
We charge a $25 annual fee for Farm.One membership. If you received Membership as a gift or purchased a single year's membership, you will be invited to re-subscribe before the end of your Membership period.
We use sturdy plastic containers to be re-used hundreds or thousands of times, in order to eliminate single use plastic waste.
We do this because in the US, most consumer plastic is not recycled. Even packaging that is recycled once is unlikely to be recycled again. That means that most packaging ends up in landfill or in our oceans.
Some brands choose to use ‘compostable’ containers, such as those made with PLA.
The problem with these materials is that they require an industrial compostable facility to break down, and they cause problems and confusion in regular recycling waste streams.
When the end comes, our containers are made of the right materials - higher-value plastics such as PP, HDPE and others that have a much higher rate of recycling. Because we deal with thousands of containers, we are able to ensure that every last one gets recycled correctly at the end of life, by working with commercial recyclers that we know and trust.
1. We pack your order into our sanitized reusable containers at the farm. We count each container going out to each customer, partnering with Topanga.io, the reusable container app.
2. You receive your order, put your containers into your fridge, and enjoy the product when you like. If you hold on to your containers for more than 5 weeks, we charge a refundable container deposit.
3. When you’re finished, you rinse the containers (or use the dishwasher). You place the dry containers back into the Farm.One bag.
Delivery: Before the next delivery, prepare your bag to be collected. If you live in a doorman building, ask your doorman to hold the bag ready for our delivery person. Our delivery courier makes your new delivery, receives your bag and counts the containers back in.
Pickup: Bring your containers back to the farm and we will check them back in.
4. We record how many containers you gave back - and we refund any container deposit based on your balance. We wash and sanitize the containers, ready to be re-packed.
We charge a $5 refundable deposit for each container at the time of order.
We return your deposit at the time containers are returned, to your original form of payment.
If you subscribe, we only charge the container fee on the first order. We calculate any other charges on a monthly basis.
Please don’t use our containers to store food leftovers or other items, as these may stain the container.
Don’t worry - everyone gets an occasional free pass for bad luck! We're here to make it easy.
If you ever choose to leave Farm.One (unlikely, we know), we’ll arrange a special container collection at no charge.